How Not Sweating Your First Time in the Gym can Help your Fitness

Your first time in CrossFit Ireland you won’t break a sweat, you won’t pick up a weight, hell you won’t even have to get into gym gear! So how can this possibly get you towards your fitness goals?

Because it’s important for you and your coach/personal trainer to be on the same page when it comes to what you’re looking to achieve. That’s why when you visit us first it’s for a consultation about your goals, you training history (or maybe lack of one!) and your fears and concerns.

“Just taking a class” is most likely not the best thing for you, as coaches need to know about you and your aspirations to set you up for success.

Not the best first experience!

No one likes failing at things, particularly when their health is at stake. A 20 minute talk with an expert who cares is the first, gentle, easy step towards fulfilling your fitness fantasies.

Click here to book a No Sweat Intro!

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