
When first joining CrossFit I was asked what did I want to get out of joining the team? A huge thing for me was I wanted to fall in love with working out again. I didn’t want it to feel a chore to go to the gym anymore, or come home feeling deflated because I didn’t push myself enough. This was a very difficult thing for me to overcome as I was very much so struggling with depression at the time and just couldn’t motivate myself to attend CrossFit when first signing up.

The coaches saw this and sat me down to ask what could they do to motivate me to attend and made a plan that suited me and was attainable to me. The one thing about CrossFit Ireland is they see their members! You’re not just a number. They won’t let you fall through the cracks. They want you to benefit as much you can from their community. Before I knew it, I was attending 4+ times a week! On any day off, it became the norm to hop on my bike and go to CrossFit Ireland.

Never attend CrossFit and say “oh I’ll never be able to do that!” Because these coaches are that good, you’ll find yourself doing pull ups, handstands and headstands! I couldn’t have achieved all I have without the support of my coaches, Sean, Derek, Sam, Colm and Mark. They’ve made me see exercise in a whole new light. I became my own competition, Always wanting to know how I could improve so I’d be better next time.

The community atmosphere in CFI is one you won’t find in any other gym! You grow with the members around you. You begin to learn their goals and encourage and cheer them on in their success. I can say I have definitely made life long friends in CFI.

In ten months, I have lost almost 20kg and I can now happily say, I’m 8 months off anti depression medication and feeling and looking the best I ever have!

Thank you CrossFit Ireland.

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