
Since taking up golf a few years ago I have always tried to compliment it with being an active gym goer. Using machines, lifting weights and running on treadmills. I thought I was training the right way in which to compliment golf. After a few years of reasonable success on the golf course I had noticed that my improvement had stagnated and I couldn’t understand the reason. Looking into things a little further and having a busy life, I felt I wasn’t able to dedicate more time to this which meant I needed to train smarter. So I felt I needed to change something in order to make the next improvement.

The first thing I did was I decided to educate myself in what was the ‘perfect golf swing’ and what exactly it consisted of. One thing I discovered was that I had poor hip rotation in my follow through which limited my swing. I realised what I had been doing the previous years was counterproductive in my overall aim and that I had been wasting many valuable hours training the wrong way achieving limited results. The second thing I did was to talk to an expert in what was the best option so after a brief consult with my Physio (a fellow CFI Member) he pin pointed areas in which I could improve and suggested joining CFI to help achieve these.

So I joined CFI in November 2016 with the main intention of increasing my mobility and flexibility for Golf. However after a short while I realised I needed to improve a lot of other things. What I love about CFI is that the coaches offer expert advice in ways to improve and that each class is different. Some of the main things that CFI have helped my golf game with is:

  1. Good breathing habits
  2. Mobility training
  3. Stability training
  4. Cardiovascular training
  5. Muscle Activation

I have been an active member for nearly a year now and I have seen my mobility and stability greatly improve and my body starting to look more balanced. I also have gained distance through club head speed and this is all down to not only having the right technique but the body being in the correct shape to achieve these goals. On top of this I have been able to play golf without any discomfort or pain as well as less fatigue on the last few holes of a round.

CFI has definitely been a major contributor to me been able to hit the ball further and play much more consistently.

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