The 2019 CrossFit Open/Panda Cup was just phenomenal. From the effort put in in each workout to the enthusiastic cheers for every achievement, it just blew us away. Put simply, you guys are amazing! It’s an exhausting and exhilarating 5 weeks and your progress has been extraordinary!
Now that The Open is done and dusted, you may be feeling a little tired (it’s normal) and wondering what shape will our training will take over the upcoming months?
Today, we start “Strict Season” – we’ll take the tempo down a little bit and work on our strict pull ups, handstand push ups, toes to bar, etc. There’ll also be more sled work and carries, as these really contribute to your overall structure and joint health.
Then we start building up your aerobic capacity with longer workouts for June and July. July will also see “Mid Terms” – just ask if you don’t know what they are.
August and September we’ll be back into “pre season” as in 2019 we get to experience The Open twice (CrossFit HQ are changing the season). So if you missed out on the fun of The Open you don’t need to wait a year!
Training in a season format like we do keeps things interesting and prevents burnout/overuse injuries. Besides, does anyone want to feel like 19.4 every day!? #eeek
What else have we to look forward to over the next few months?
* April 13th – Jumpzone Dodgeball – Sign Up in The Locker Room
* April 27th – CrossFit/Weightlifting In House Comp
* May 1st – May 31st: Mobility and Mindfulness Challenge
* May 6th – “Murph”
* May 11th – Darkness Into Light Marlay Park
* May 18th – Crossfit Ireland Birthday Party
* June 3rd – Team Throwdown