CFI Weightlifting Nov 13-18 Nov

Aim of this cycle: Increasing speed and getting stronger.


Front Squat 3×4 @80% 2×3 @85%
Snatch Pull 4×4 @120%
Front Rack Split Jerk x1 up to @85%


Snatch Complex 3×1+1+1 @75% 2×1+1+1 @80%
Back Squat 2×4 @80% 3×3 @85%
Box Jumps


Full Snatch Box 2×3 @75% 3×2 @80%
Full Clean and Jerk Box 3×2+1 @ 80% 2×2+1 @85%


Back Squat 3s Pause 3×2 @75% 3×2 @80%
Clean Pull 3×3 @115% 2×3 @125%
Accessories Core+DB Strict Press 4×5


Full Snatch 2×2 @75% 1×2 @80% 2×2 @85%
Full Clean and Jerk 2×2+1 @80% 3×2+1 @85%
Box Jumps

Week four on the “kangaroo cycle”, our body now is starting to get used to all the jumps and working from the boxes. This week will be our loading week, we will start to add some more kg on the bar than the last week and we will work a bit on pause squats and some complexes.


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