Aim of this cycle: Increasing speed and getting stronger.
Full Snatch 2×3 @70% 3×3 @75%
Hang Clean and Jerk 2×2+1 @70% 3×2+1 @75%
Front Squat 3×4 @75% 2×3 @80%
Clean Pull 4×3 @115
Box Jumps 4×5
Full Snatch Box 3×3 @70% 2×3 @75%
Full Clean and Jerk Box 2×2+2 @70% 3×2+1 @75%
Back Squat 2×5 @70% 2×4 @75%v 2×3 80%
Snatch Pull 4×3 @115%
Accessories Core+ Strict Pull Ups
Full Snatch 2×3 @70% 2×3 @75% 1×2 @80%
Full Clean and Jerk 2×2+2 @70% 2×2+2 @75% 1×2+1 @80%
Box Jumps 4×5
Third week in the new cycle, now our body is getting used to the new movements. This week is our deload week, when we work more on volume and give our body a lighter load on the muscles so they can recover, relax and get ready for next week.