Workouts Feb 3 – 8


Every 5 Minutes ×5
20/15 Cal Row
50ft Sandbag Carry
8 Dumbbell Squat Snatches
4 Deficit Handstand Pushups

Aim – 3.30 Minutes of work, 90 seconds to recover. 50 seconds to get the row done, pick up the sand bag right away, then the Dumbbell squat snatch is technical and requires a load of Mobility! (Hopefully you did the bonus work the other week and got some practice!) then a deficit hspu!

Bonus Work
Ski Cals
Toes to Ring


2 Squat Snatch
2 Rounds
15 Wallballs
3 Squat Snatches (@90% of Double)
-Rest 1 minute, Repeat x 3 sets

Aim– 2 fast singles at the start of every minute for 10 minutes, use this to warm up and increase every minute. Should be less than 20 seconds of work. Then Metcon, you do 2 rounds, rest 1 minute then do another 2 rounds, rest 1 minute then another 2 rounds!

Bonus Work
5 Sets of-
12 Dumbbell Strict Press
12 Inverted Rows


Teams of 2
8/6 Cal Assault Bike
20″ Sled Bear Crawl
6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
20″ Foot Sled Rope Pull

*Relay style, 1 Person working, 1 resting – Can share assualt bike with other teams!

Aim – Team Wod, this should be a sprint though each round , so not majorly heavy, the pull ups should be close to unbroken. High intensity intervals.

Bonus Work
Build to a heavy set of 4
-Then 3×10 @60% of heavy 4


5 Rounds
12 Toes to Bar
9 Handstand Pushups
6 Power Cleans 80/50kg
10m Dumbbell Lunge 2×22.5/15kg
1 Pegboard Ascent

Aim– Big Wod, aim to pick movement variations that allow close to unbroken sets , to keep moving! Power cleans should be medium weight singles, Give the pegboard a try! Otherwise we are doing a 30 second top of the ring row hold!

Bonus Work
Kettle bell Swing 24/16kg
Bench Press @50% of bodyweight


3 Minutes Max Double Unders

3 Minutes Max Distance Handstand Walk

10 Rounds
9 Thrusters 45/30kg
4 Ring Muscle Ups

Aim – Practice and building the skills and strength for Double Unders and Handstand Walks. Then a Thruster and Upper body Gymnastics metcon!


3 Mins on/ 1 Mins off
7 cal Ski
7 Ring Dips
-Rest –
7 Bar Facing Burpees
7 Power Snatch 43/29kg
7 Wallball
7 Cal Row

*Circuit style

Aim – Intervals of a good mix of movements, aim to be consistent with your score across the second round!

Bonus Work
Assault Bike
Every 2 Minutes x6
15/10 Calories Sprint (30 secs cap)

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