Workouts Feb 10 – 15


20 Minutes to Find a 1RM Snatch
*EMOM , 3 Lateral Burpees over the bar

Every 2 Minutes x5
10 Bar facing Burpees
8 Power Snatch 43/29kg

Aim – Technical ability under constant fatigue, can lift at any point but at the start of each minute you must perform 3 burpees over the bar! Then the Metcon is 20.1 training, in an interval style. these burpees are now bar facing!

Bonus Work
2 mins on / 1 minute off ×5
19 Calorie Row
Amrap Wallballs


6 Strict Ring Dips
6m Handstand Walk
6 Double Kettlebell Power Cleans 2×24/16kg
2 Legless Rope Climbs
6 Double Kettlebell Power Cleans 2×24/16kg
6m Handstand Walk
6 Strict Handstand Pushups

Aim – Upper body strength for bodyweight skills! Also kettlebell cleans are something different!

Bonus Work
50 Band Pull aparts
Bicep Curls
GHD Sit ups
50 Band Pull Aparts


Starting every 4 Minutes x6 (3 Mins on/1 Min off)
12/9 Cal Assault Bike
12 Toes to Bar
AMRAP Squat Cleans 80/50Kg
-1 Minute rest-

Aim – Squat clean ability under core and leg fatigue and out of breath!

Bonus Work
3 Rounds
15 Cal Ski
9 Double Dumbbell Snatch
1 Pegboard Ascent


Buy in: 35 Wall balls
5 rounds for time
6 Deadlifts 120/90
6 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Pistols
40 Double Unders
Buy out: 35 Wall balls

Aim– Go as close as you can to unbroken on the wallballs to put you out of your comfort zone, small rep scheme bar the Pistols, aim for unbroken here too!

Bonus Work
3 Push Press


Kettlebell Box Step Overs (2×24/16kg)
Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Aim – Box Step Overs are a grind, to get through them smooth and steady! Then for pull ups do big sets. Dont expect to flying through this workout!


Dumbbell Floor Press
Dumbbell Deadlifts
Dumbbell Front Squats
Box Jumps 24/20″

Aim – A version of Linda with Dumbbells and box jumps, full body workout! You can use different weight dumbbells for each movement!

Bonus Work
3km Row
*Every 2 Minutes, 12 Air Squats

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