Dropping our Story Time video a little early this week as there’s an annoucement in it for this Saturday!
What Makes CFI so great is the people, and after the weekend of Leinsters we wanted to celebrate the traits and values that makes you guys so wonderful!
The humility, trust, and growth mindset of everyone here is plain to see each day. Taking on challenging workouts, always looking for feedback to be better, and wanting to learn. It make seem normal to you but it’s pretty unique and special.
Each day, the effort, the positive vibes, and the gratitude you all show just gets better and better. Frequently newcomers to the gym tell us how inviting the place is, how friendly the people are, and the buzz is unreal.
What shows through is how much you all care about your team mates, everyone is always conscientious towards others, offering support throughout workouts. And not just on training, people here care about each others jobs, families, life stresses, it’s amazing!
You all inspire us each and every day. As a little thank you, we’ll fire up the Barbecue this Saturday from 1pm after the Weightlifting class for anyone who’s around.
Thanks Team!