Last week all the staff took two days in the Irish Management Institute to review 2017. The aim is to take the best of what we’ve done and learn from the mistakes of the past year to improve the service in 2018.
One of the biggest highlights of the year for us was updating our Programmeming. Or more accurately, the results we’ve seen from updating our Programmeming. Our athletes are more well rounded, healthier, and stronger than ever before.
Looking into 2018 and in particular the first quarter of the year we’re seriously excited! We want to grow the team and the gym while also staying true to our culture and values – Coachable. Enthusiastic. Team-Players.
Growing the team means developing you to be the fittest, healthiest, and happiest you can be. That meant that everything was up for debate and nothing was sacred during our off-site. The result is we’ll be rolling out improvements to how new members start and integrate into classes, how we run progressions so you can achieve more in the time you’re in the gym (Seán noted that in all his experience he’d never seen as many strong people being able to climb a rope as he does here.)
A simple example is we’re very proud of our warm ups which act as joint strengthening exercises as well. While most join a gym for fat loss or muscle gain, your joint-health is going to determine how fit and healthy you can get. We’re going to improve this so you can maximise your minutes in the gym with us.
As the team and the gym goes we want to ensure that we keep reinvesting into our equipment as well, so you guys can always have new toys to play with!!
And of course, The Open is a festival and celebration of everything that makes CrossFit great. We had 50 people take part officially last year and The Panda Cup made it extra special. This year we’ll get more involved and make it even better!
2018, let’s do this!