If you are new to Olympic Weightlifting and considering competing at your first competition then here is a little list of the top 5 mistakes I’ve seen beginners make at their first competition. Your first competition should be a fun experience were you gain confidence to return and continue competing again and again. I’ve seen far too many people make the following mistakes at competitions and then find themselves lacking motivation to compete or actually being scared to compete.
- Starting too Heavy!
The most common mistake is this one, starting the competition too heavy! Beginners are so keen to lift all the weights that they will start the competition with an opener that is WAY to heavy. This could lead to lots of missed lifts and a potential bomb out in that first competition! Let’s avoid this and make sure that opening weight is something you are very confident on making.
- Cutting weight for first comp.
- Trying to PB at first comp.
- Not waiting for the down signal.
- Going to heavy or doing too much in the warmup.