The foundation is nutrition

We all know the benefits that a good training Programmeme can bring. If you’re reading this then you at least have some interest in CrossFit or a similar training regime.

We train, we lift, we sweat, we get fitter and we get healthier. Well, that depends.

If we’re fueling our training with gummy bears, snickers, and diet coke then there are probably limits to the benefits we’ll get from training. We’ll be healthier than we would be had we not started training but we won’t reach the fitness and health levels we could if we were to focus some energy on how we fuel our training.

ok, possibly a little over dramatic!

While my gummy bear,snickers and diet coke example might sound like and extreme (but tasty!) situation nutrition really is the foundation of everything we do, and I mean everything, our training and our daily lives. The better the quality and type of food that we put into our body, the better our body will perform. I’m not talking about how you should eat if you want to look a certain way or fit into a certain jean size. The better the quality and type of food that we put into our body, the better our body will perform. Nope, that wasn’t a typo, I said it twice because it’s important.

To quote Greg Glassman from his World Class Fitness in 100 words article “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake levels that will support exercise but not body fat”

World Class Fitness in 100 Words – Greg Glassman

This is brilliant in the simplicity of what it is saying. There’s nothing complicated here. Read it and the picture of the food that your mind builds is a healthy one.

Before you start getting into macros, without getting into blocks or counting anything. Whatever your plate looks like now, start moving it close to “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar” and you’ll see huge changes in your performance and how you feel.

This doesn’t have to happen over night. In fact it’ll probably be more of a lasting change if it doesn’t. Make the changes bit by bit, have one less snickers and some veg instead!

The wider the base, the taller the pyramid!

If you’d like to sit down and discuss your personal nutrition, please just book a time 🙂

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