I originally joined CrossFit, and specifically CrossFit Ireland in 2012. I ultimately joined to get fitter and strong, and I definitely achieved that. More importantly for me though, I have met some amazing people and was always happier leaving the gym than walking into it. No matter how my day was going, whether it was great, just ok, or not so good, I always looked forward to walking into CrossFit Ireland. CFI is not about whether you can lift more than someone else, and shout louder, it is about the people and it always has been. Yes sure the Programmeming and workouts are great, but the people in CFI trump everything.
Since joining in 2012 I traveled a lot and lived in other countries, but the number one thing on my list when I return home is getting back into CrossFit Ireland. And yes, there have been times where I am unmotivated to train, whether that is life taking over or just not feeling it and during those times I think about a blog I once read. The title of that blog was ‘The Value of Training’. There was a paragraph in that blog that had a significantly impact on me, and one I always revert back to when I don’t feel like training:
“How much would you pay to have your heart restarted after it stopped prematurely from a clogging of the arteries? If you lost the use of your legs today or had to get them amputated would you spend everything you have to regain their use? I would. But, how much would you pay to prevent it?”
The author of that blog was Colm O’Reilly, who has been my coach since 2012. Colm is just one of many incredible coaches/people at CrossFit Ireland. I highly recommend checking it out, what are you waiting for?