Peter – May Mobility & Mindfulness

‍♂️PETER – May Mobility and Mindfulness Podium Finisher ‍♂️

What was the biggest benefit or the May Mobility & Mindfulness Challenge?

I found the biggest benefit of the month was the self exploration it led to, it forced me to consider how I use my time and start prioritising segments of my day. I had been used to going to the gym and chatting or dossing and instead forced myself to immediately drop and roll or stretch.

How did you stick to a routine?

I started each day by sitting up and doing circular breathing instead of checking my phone as I had usually done. I’ve kept up both of these habits. When I got to school I did a gratitude journal with the kids where we all filled our three daily experiences or things or people we’re grateful for.

What was the hardest part?

The hardest part was probably the stretching and rolling as there are a tonne of distractions when you get to the gym and a tonne of reasons to arrive just on time instead of 10mins early. I’ve since allocated the 10mins to extra work after class and 10mins of stretching on the floor in the evening. I’m very routine orientated so find it easy once I bed in a routine, to keep it.

What good habits have you kept up since the official end of the challenge?

I haven’t kept journaling but I have noted a big shift in my mental resilience and reaction to things. Instead of letting my shoulders drop or my negative voice take the stage I talk it down by finding positives instead.

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to implement any of these habits?

The best advice I can give someone looking to take part in any form of self improvement is, if you’re like me anyway, to create small and manageable targets and changes and once they become routine – add in an extra step or move a little further. It’s no different than a nutritional change, rafting and drastic changes won’t last, cut out or add in one thing and when that becomes part and parcel of your unconscious decisions then make another equally manageable change. It’s the same with mindfulness and mental health. “If I think negatively I’m going to force myself not to complain out loud unless there’s a solution or action at the end of the rant”…next, “ok I’ve done that, now even if I think a complaint I need to find an action or solution at the end of the thought”…or “2mins of circular breathing was easy, now I’m going to try for 5 a day” instead of “ok I’m going out on Lough Derg for a week, I’m going all in”. That doesn’t tend to end well.

Have S.M.A.R.T goals no matter how trivial they seem, assess-reset and go again.

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