What made you join CrossFit Ireland?
I joined CFI because I was bored and looking for a way to get fit again. I’d join a gym, go every day for a month (spend a lot of time in the Jacuzzi), get bored and not be seen in there again for 6 months. Before a knee injury years ago I had been extremely fit and I wanted a way to enjoy getting fit again. CrossFit seemed to tick a lot of boxes and on the advice of a friend who was an avid CrossFitter I decided to give it a go in the hopes it would be interesting and varied enough to keep me wanting to go training.
What was your first impression?
It looked like a lot of fun there was so much going on and everyone seemed very welcoming and friendly. More importantly everyone looked happy. They looked like they enjoyed working out here (well, they looked happy afterwards anyway) and stayed on for a few minutes after workouts just to chat.
Why have you stayed?
I’ve stayed for a number of reasons. I love the people, I love the atmosphere and I love how I feel after a brutal workout (of which there have been VERY many). It is at it’s core a fun sport and there’s always more to learn and work at. I bore easily but it hasn’t happened yet in this one area of my life. There’s plenty of support, friendship and laughter(and where appropriate sympathy) which keeps me coming back.
What will you do next?
Next is keep working at it and enjoying it. Me and John Kavanagh have a competition coming up which we’re really looking forward to since last year’s one and there’s several teams from CFI competing so there’ll be plenty there to cheer us on. Hopefully I’ll get there without crashing my car this year… maybe I’ll get a lift. I’d also love to be able to achieve that elusive handstand someday soon. Beyond that continue on doing what I’m doing as long as it works. Keep on setting goals and achieving them. Continue to be on #oneteam