Workouts Jan 20-25


The Standard
30 Clean & Jerks 61/43kg
30 Ring Muscle Ups
30 Snatches 61/43kg

Aim- Final of 2019 CrossFit Games, also coming up this weekend at Strength in Depth! For muscle ups pick pull movement for 30 reps then a push for 30 reps e.g. Ring Row – Jumping Pull up – Banded Pull Up – Ring Pull up / Ring Dip – Push Up

Bonus Work
Assault Bike cals
GHD Situps
-Rest 3 Minutes-
Assault Bike Cals
Abmat Sit Ups


6 Rounds
3 Rope Climbs
12m Handstand Walk
8 Backsquats 85/55kg
20m Sandbag Carry

Aim – A play on another up coming workout at SiD this weekend. Upper body strength & skill and moving some weight with the legs, bar is taken from the floor! Carry is a bear hug grip!

Bonus Work
6 Dumbbell Squat Snatch

*Play around with this skill, try and go Touch and Go so find the correct weight. Will help with your mobility!


100 Wallballs
75 Toes to Bar
75 /50 Cal Assault Bike (Erg)
75 Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 2×22.5/15kg
100ft Walking Single Arm Overhead Lunge 1×30/22.5kg

Aim – BIG CHIPPER , Lots of reps to get after today, try to maintain focus to get through manageable sets!

Bonus Work
For Time
21 Cal Ski
15 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Overhead Squats 100/70 kg (Heavy)

Bonus Work
50 Bicep Curls
50 Push Ups
50 Banded Tricep Extensions


1RM Power Clean

30 Double Unders
10 Cleans @70%
30 Double unders
8 Cleans @75%
30 Double Unders
6 Cleans @80%
30 Double Unders
4 Cleans @85%
30 Double Unders
2 Cleans @90%

Aim – Strength based day, percentages are based off the first section! Keep the technique within reason, Can do squat cleans in the metcon to combat this.

Bonus Work
150ft Dumbbell Walking lunge 2Ă—Heavy Dumbbells
30 Sandbag cleans
150ft Dumbbell walking Lunge 2xHeavy Dumbbells


Bar Facing Burpees
Pull Ups
-Straight into-
Overhead Squat 55/35kg
Bar Muscle Ups

Aim – Pick a weight of dumbbells you know you could overhead squat! Pick a pull up variation that allows big sets ,7 reps plus! Go for a difficult bar muscle up variation though, a lower box than usual on the jumping maybe!

Bonus Work
2km Row


Handstand Push Ups (Deficit)
Squat Snatch 70/45kg

Aim – Twist on the Mayhem Classic workout, add a deficit to the Handstand Push up! This will be a slow burner, so make the movements difficult!

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