(DCC Event 4)
1RM Clean and Jerk
(15 Mins, to establish)
(DCC Event 6)
7 Hang Power Snatch
7 Power Snatch
7 Squat Snatch 75/50kg
(6 Minute)
Aim – Strength and power focus , work on technique if that is your limiting factor. Both Olympic Lifts involved, huge skill component today.
Bonus work:
(DCC Event 1, sorta!)
20 Sandbag Cleans
500m Ski
10 Sandbag Cleans
500m Ski
5 Sandbag Cleans
500m Ski
(DCC Event 7)
50 Cal Row
40 Wallballs
30 Box Jump Overs
20m Front Rack Lunge (24/16kgx2, Kettlebells)
10 Rope Climbs
25 Cal Row
20 Wallballs
15 Box Jump Overs
10m Front Rack Lunge
5 Rope Climbs
(28 Minutes)
Aim – Big workout, legs will get a good look in. Also a chance to practice rope climbs. Manage the pace, don’t go out too hot.
Bonus Work
(DCC Event 2)
500m Bike
1200m Run
500m Bike
800m Run
500m Bike
400m Run
(DCC Event 9)
12 Bar muscle Ups (Jumping BMU)
21 Deadlifts
9 Bar muscle Ups
15 Hang Power Cleans
6 Bar muscle Ups
9 Shoulder to Overhead
Aim – Grippy Work out, mix of barbell cycling and gymnastics. Shoulder to Overhead weight will determine the weight for the bar. Focus on keeping your back in a good position, and push the threshold of your grip strength and endurance!
(DCC Original, Event 8)
25 Handstand Push Ups (Add a Deficit, or box hspu)
25 Push Ups (Can go Flying Push Ups)
25 Deck Squats (Weighted rollovers/candle stick rolls)
25 A-jumps (weight in the front rack, not mandatory to use weight!)
25 Chin Ups (Aim for C2B , can kip)
25 Devils Press 22.5/15kg
Aim – A spanner in the works, new and different movements to test your fitness. Also basically weighted Rollovers, who would have thunk it, huh?
Bonus Work
(DCC Event 5)
10 Rounds
5 Ring Muscle Ups
10m Handstand walk
*5 Pull, 5 Push, 30 Shoulder Taps
(DCC Event 10 + 11)
60 Cal Assault Bike (Any Erg)
60 Toes to Bar
3 Rounds
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
10 Thrusters 70/45kg
Aim – High heart rate piece, steady pace on the bike then get through the 60 TTB as fast as you can. 2nd part , go heavier than normal on the thrusters, make it hurt!
“The 12 Days of Outlaw”
*After completing the first movement go back to 1 and begin again adding a new movement each round. There are 12 total rounds with one new movement being added each round. I.E. do 1 C&J, then 1 C&J + 2 MU, then 1 C&J + 2 MU + 3 Box Jumps, etc. The WOD is complete when the 12 Front Squats are completed.
1 Clean & Jerk @ 102/70Kg
2 Muscle-Ups
3 Box Jumps 36/30″
4 Hang Squat Snatch @ 52/35Kg
5 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Push Press @ 52/35Kg
7 Pistols (alternating)
8 T2B
9 Wall Ball 20/14lbs
10 C2B Pullups
12 Front Squats @ 102/70Kg (no racks)
For time. 60 minute cap.