Deciding to join CrossFit Ireland 4 months ago was probably the best decision of my life. Being a nutritionist and a health enthusiast, I am constantly looking for ways to maximise my fitness. After gymming regularly for the past 4 years and not seeing any results, I decided it was time to change my workout routine.
And CrossFit Ireland did just that. With every workout pushing you out of your comfort zone, it leaves you astounded at how much your body is capable of handling. It’s crazy how quickly you progress, from starting with an empty bar to loading it up with the big boys and feeling like a superhero! I never thought I’d have the strength to climb the rope or attempt all those challenging weightlifting movements you see on the Olympics!
My favourite part of CrossFit is the variability of the workouts, you never get bored and that hour flies (unless burpees or wall balls are involved ?). It was a pleasure meeting the CrossFit Ireland Team, who motivate you and cheer you on to finish that last burpee, or give you a pat on the back when you PR in your lifts ?
What is a class without a teacher?! Derek and Colm are always there to modify movements for you, correct your form and guide you to reach your goals, every single step of the way. And the days when the workout is super extra challenging and you feel like you want to die, Colm’s world-famous jokes always attempt to lighten the mood (emphasis on attempt – nothing can lighten the pain of 50 wall-balls)
I can’t recommend this place enough, it’s really turning into an addiction! I can’t wait to squat my body weight and get that handstand, but by coming to CrossFit Ireland I am confident that it will be very soon!
I can go on and on, but you get the idea
Yay fitness! ?”