It seems counter intuitive in a sport that measures reps, time, and load to focus primarily on doing things right, why is that?
There’s an expression that you can’t build fitness on dysfunction. If you have a back, shoulder, or knee issue, and keep trying to push the pace with a poor movement pattern, eventually you’ll break.
We want to build our health in order to maximise our fitness, and that involves treating the body with care and building it up the right way.
Also, let’s take a long term view. We aren’t trying to be fitter today, right now. We’re aiming to move the needle a little bit so next year we’re fitter, and in 10 years time we’re fitter again. We want to be the most bad ass motherfucker in the nursing home and handstand walk 100 feet to celebrate our 100th birthday.
From a sport point of view CrossFit increasing tests virtuosity. You used to be able to press out a power snatch, and barely break parallel. Now (17.3 for example) it must be a smooth squat snatch. In 18.4 the standard for HSPU was tightened up to reduce/eliminate the bench press/arch handstand push up.
So we invest the majority of our class consciously engraining good movement so when we need it, late in the metcon or at a test, we move well.