The winter solstice is the darkest day of the year. We got sunrise at 8:39 and the sun set by 16:08.
Already now we’ve gained a couple of minutes each side. Not much, maybe 7 minutes or so. But, come June, we’ll have nearly double the hours of sunlight. The temperature if we get a good summer will go from freezing to hot and eventually “we need a bit of rain weather!” There may be weeks where the weather will get worse than it is now, but overall the weather will get warmer and the days brighter by Summer.
It all happens with about a minute more sunlight each day. And here’s where I get to my point. Don’t try to overhaul everything in January. Don’t adjust your workout routine, spending, sleep, relationships, diet, career and mental health routines in Week 1 of 2020.
Instead, focus on tiny small habit changes that don’t seem like much. In fact, nearly all the habit research shows that these tiny (almost insignificant) changes are what lead to preferment, life altering results. Not the big dramatic shifts – which often lead us to snapping back to our old ways!
I get it, we want results now. I want things to progress faster than they are. Here’s the thing, 1% each better everyday over the course of a year is THIRTY-SEVEN times better!
Start small. Stay consistent. Watch your life improve in 2020. You can do this!