I just signed my affiliate licence agreement with CrossFit. I’m so grateful every year when this comes up because it affords me the opportunity to reflect back.
I fell in love with CrossFit really quickly once I tried it. I’m not going to lie, when I first came across the website (“Dotcom” as we all call it in CrossFit-Land) it didn’t make much sense to me. What’s 21-15-9 mean? Why are we only doing Hang Power Cleans this day and then running 10K the next? I didn’t even get that it was 3 days of work, then 1 day of rest as their workout cycle.
But once I did my first workout, I was hooked! I kept refreshing the comments to see what the “good” scores were, and watched all the old instructional/demo videos they put out.
11 years later, I still love CrossFit. I love what It’s done for me. I love what it’s done for so many people.
My love for The Games is well known. To create a sport from essentially nothing, push the boundaries of what we think humans are capable of, and learn and grow each year with their organisation, presentation, and polish is just as impressive as the athletes themselves to me.
I admire all that HQ has done and how they’ve grown from a scrappy young upstart to what they are now. A powerful driven organisation who’s mission is to get people “off the couch, and off the carbs”, with the aim of eliminating preventable deaths.
Seeing all the growth CrossFit has undergone, and the hurdles they’ve overcome, inspires me. They had a vision and climbed over a lot of brick walls (probably doing a burpee first) to achieve it. And I feel like they, and us, are only getting started.
Thanks for reading,